Date: Saturday 10th October
Time: 9:00 am - 5:40 pm
Type: A web-based conference
An exciting student-led, web-based conference is co-hosted by Multilingualism Research Centre, Dept. of Linguistics & School of Education, Macquarie University and School of Education, University of New South Wales.
This conference provides a valuable opportunity for current postgraduate students and early career researchers, affiliated to universities in Australia and New Zealand, to present on completed or on-going Masters or Doctoral research.
Keynote Speakers: Prof. Gary Barkhuizen (University of Auckland)
Dr. Luis Miguel Rojas-Berscia (University of Queensland)
The Conference Committee invites abstract submissions for individual papers of 20 minutes, including 5 minutes for a brief Q&A session. All presentations will be livestreamed. Abstract submission should relate to one or more of the following research streams:
Australian indigenous languages
Geographies of multilingualism
Language education policy
Language learning and use in the community
Language teacher education
Learning and using English in a multilingual society
Multilingualism in literature and translation
Multilingualism in social and professional life
Multilingualism, technologies and literacies in education
Deadline for submission is Friday 17th July. Email the committee for abstract submission and further inquiries: postgrad.conf.multilingualism@gmail.com
For more details, please check out the Call for Abstract >>