The word on the street is Mandarin
Mandarin has displaced Arabic in Sydney and Greek in Melbourne as the most widely spoken community language in Australia’s largest cities.
Reported by Andrew Taylor
Interview with Alice Chik & Robyn Moloney

Thai edges out Mandarin as most spoken language in Sydney's Haymarket
Thai is the most spoken language in Sydney's inner-city suburb of Haymarket, which is home to the iconic Chinatown district, according to new research.
Reported by Dong Xing
Interview with Alice Chik
SBS Online Dec 4, 2018

Mandarin now the most common language on Sydney streets after English
A new book has mapped out multilingualism in Sydney.
Reported by Nick Baker
Interview with Alice Chik & Robyn Moloney
SBS TV News Dec 3, 2018
Reported by Stergos Kastelloriou
SBS Greek News Dec 4, 2018

Word travels: New map reveals fastest growing languages across Sydney
Mandarin has overtaken Arabic to become the most common language spoken in Sydney after English, according to new research which makes a case for strengthening language education to bolster Australia’s economy.
Reported by Melinda Ham
Interview with Alice Chik & Robyn Moloney
Lighthouse Nov 30, 2018
Council wants ‘English first’ policy on shop signs – what does it mean for multicultural Australia?
Alice Chik & Phil Benson
An inner-Sydney council proposal to regulate the language of shop signs has significant implications for multicultural policy.
The Conversation May 16, 2018
ABC News May 16, 2018

Should we insist Aussie kids learn a second language?
A renowned authority on Finland's highly regarded education system has suggested the Gonski 2.0 report missed a key recommendation.
Interview with Alice Chik
Reported by Evan Young
SBS News Jun 5, 2018

Should our kids be learning a second language?
Are your kids learning a second language at school? With employers increasingly looking for bilingual employees and the variety of benefits that come with being able to speak a second language, is it time to make sure that all Aussie kids learn a second language?
Live interview with Alice Chik
2Ser Radio 107.3 The Daily, Jun 6, 2018

Submission: Draft Community Strategic Plan, Ryde City Council (2028)
Alice Chik, Timothy Almonte & Nichapa Rueangroongsom
The submission is a response to the Ryde Draft Community Strategic Plan (2028). The response is based on the research conducted by Macquarie University students Timonthy Almonte and Nichapa Rueangroongsom during their PACE placement in Session 1, 2018.
Submission [pdf]

Learning languages early is key to making Australia more multilingual
Robyn Moloney
In their early years, children have the ability to accurately produce all sounds of all languages, to mimic a near-perfect accent, which makes it an optimal time for learning a second language.
The Conversation July 3, 2018
Radio Adelaide July 5, 2018
Radio 2Ser July 12, 2018

More calls for extensive study of second languages in schools

This report investigates how multiculturalism and multilingualism are represented online. It is based on corpus analysis of websites of governments, businesses and schools in Bankstown and Auburn, NSW.
The report is prepared for The Multicultural Network [pdf].

Submission: Amendment to Part J of SCDCP
Macquarie Multilingualism Research Group and The Multicultural Network (Joint submission)
The submission is a response to the language requirement on signage in Strathfield Council area. This is a joint submission from Macquarie Multilingualism Research Group and The Multicultural Network (website).
Submission [pdf]