Please come and join us at our forthcoming seminar.
The ups and downs of student exchange programmes. Intercultural perspectives
Nikolina Tsvetkova, Sofia University, Bulgaria
Jun 12 (Wed 12 - 1pm) 29WW 292 (Music Room)
Internationalisation processes at the tertiary level are inevitably linked to student exchange programmes at all three stages of higher education (Bachelor, Master and PhD ones). There are a number of opportunities for EU students to spend a shorter or longer period at a university in another country, even outside the EU. The talk aims to look into this experience from an intercultural point of view and outline some of the challenges and plus points of interacting across cultures in an academic context taking into consideration both students’ and teachers’ perspectives. The results of a comparative international research comprising five EU universities and a Chinese one as well as some small-scale surveys carried out at Sofia University will be used to exemplify the discussed issues.
Assoc. Prof. Nikolina Tsvetkova, PhD, has been involved in teaching English and teacher training over the past 25 years. She has authored course books for teaching English at the primary, lower and upper secondary in Bulgaria as well as a number of research papers, book chapters and a monograph in in the field of applied linguistics, intercultural communication and applying digital tools in education. She currently teaches ESP, Intercultural communication, and project terminology to bachelor and master students at Sofia University, Faculty of Philosophy.
